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This course covers the basic knowledge and skills needed for entry-level employment as a law enforcement officer in North Carolina as required by the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and the Sheriffs' Education and Training Standards Commission. Topics include Commission-mandated content specific to law enforcement in North Carolina, criminal investigations, traffic enforcement/investigations, patrol techniques, crisis intervention, communication and de-escalation skills, interviews and interrogations, criminal and constitutional law, court procedures, civil process, ethical problem solving, and officer wellness. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in the content required for the state comprehensive certification examination administered by the NC Department of Justice. Course offerings must be pre-approved by the Criminal Justice Standards Division of the NC Department of Justice, and colleges must comply with all related rules and policies of the external governing body.
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LET-3120A BLET Supplemental
This course is limited for use by colleges accredited as Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) delivery sites by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission. The course is designed to provide the student with the ability to remediate no more than two deficiencies while currently enrolled in a BLET course. This course shall be delivered as a contact hour course. Colleges must comply with all related rules and policies of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Division. Contact the Division for more information.
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LEX-110 Introduction to Paralegal Study
This course introduces the paralegal profession and the legal system, and an emphasis is placed on the role of professional and legal ethics. Topics include regulations, ethics, case analysis, legal reasoning, career opportunities, professional organizations, terminology and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain the role of a paralegal and identify the skills, knowledge, and ethics required of paralegals.
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LEX-120 Legal Research/Writing I
This course introduces the techniques of legal research and writing. Emphasis is placed on locating, analyzing, applying, and updating sources of law; effective legal writing, including proper citation; and the use of electronic research methods. Upon completion, students should be able to perform legal research and writing assignments using techniques covered in the course.
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LEX-121 Legal Research/Writing II
This course covers advanced topics in legal research and writing. Topics include more complex legal issues and assignments involving preparation of legal memos, briefs, and other documents and the advanced use of electronic research methods. Upon completion, students should be able to perform legal research and writing assignments using techniques covered in the course.
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LEX-130 Civil Injuries
This course covers traditional tort concepts and the evolving body of individual rights created by statute. Topics include intentional and non-intentional torts with emphasis on negligence, strict liability, civil rights, workplace and environmental liability, remedies, and damages. Upon completion, students should be able to recognize, explain, and evaluate elements of civil injuries and related defenses.
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LEX-140 Civil Litigation I
This course introduces the structure of the legal system and the rules governing civil litigation. Topics include jurisdiction state and federal rules of civil procedure and evidence. Upon completion, students should be able to assist an attorney in pre-litigation matters and preparation of pleadings and motions.
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LEX-141 Civil Litigation II
This course covers advanced topics in the civil litigation process. Topics include motions, discovery, and trial and appellate procedures. Upon completion, students should be able to assist an attorney in preparing and organizing documents for trial, settlement and post-trial practice.
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LEX-150 Commercial Law I
This course covers legally enforceable agreements, forms of organization, and selected portions of the Uniform Commercial Code. Topics include drafting and enforcement of contracts, leases, and related documents and selection and implementation of business organization forms, sales, and commercial papers. Upon completion, students should be able to apply the elements of a contract, prepare various business documents, and understand the role of commercial paper.
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LEX-160 Criminal Law & Procedure
This course introduces substantive criminal law and procedural rights of the accused. Topics include elements of state/federal crimes, defenses, constitutional issues, pre-trial and trial process, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain elements of specific crimes and assist an attorney in preparing a criminal case.
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LEX-180 Case Analysis & Reasoning
This course covers the techniques of reading and applying legal opinions and the skills of case analysis. Emphasis is placed on the components of opinions and on types of legal writing. Upon completion, students should be able to read, analyze, and brief opinions and prepare legal memoranda, briefs, and other legal documents.
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LEX-210 Real Property I
This course introduces the study of real property law. Topics include the distinction between real and personal property, various estates, mechanics of conveyance and encumbrance, recordation, special proceedings, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify estates, forms of deeds, requirements for recording, and procedures to enforce rights to real property.
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LEX-220 Corporate Law
This course covers the legal aspects of forming, operating, and maintaining a business. Emphasis is placed on the business corporation with additional coverage of sole proprietorships and partnerships. Upon completion, students should be able to draft basic partnership and corporate documents and file these documents as required.
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LEX-240 Family Law
This course covers laws governing domestic relations. Topics include marriage, separation, divorce, child custody, support, property division, adoption, domestic violence, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to interview clients, gather information, and draft documents related to family law.
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LEX-250 Wills, Estates, & Trusts
This course covers various types of wills, trusts, probate, estate administration, and intestacy. Topics include types of wills and execution requirements, caveats and dissents, intestate succession, inventories and accountings, distribution and settlement, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to draft simple wills, prepare estate forms, understand administration of estates including taxation, and explain terms regarding trusts.
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LEX-270 Law Office Management/Technology
This course provides an overview of law office management and organization. Topics include office forms, filing systems, billing/time keeping, computer systems, calendar systems, library administration, case management, office/personnel procedures, ethics, and technology. Upon completion, students should be able to establish and maintain various law office systems, monitor case progress, and supervise non-lawyer personnel.
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LEX-280 Ethics & Professionalism
This course reinforces legal ethics and the role of the paralegal in a professional work environment. Topics include a review of ethics, employment opportunities, and search techniques; paralegal certification and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the paralegal's role in the ethical practice of law.
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LEX-282 Immigration Law
This course covers both theoretical and practical application of immigration law to everyday scenarios and the paralegal's role in the process. Topics include administrative agency formation, the role of INS and the implication of the decisions on the immigration process. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss administrative agencies, the relationship of the INS to the governmental structure and immigration case law.
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LEX-287 CLA Review Seminar
This course is designed to prepare students for voluntary certification sponsored by the National Association of Legal Assistants to demonstrate significant competence in paralegalism. Topics include communications, ethics, human relations, interviewing techniques, judgment and analytical analysis, legal research, legal terminology, general law and nine tested specialty areas of law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate that they are prepared to take the NALA's Certified Legal Assistant Exam. Students should take this course during the last semester of the student's plan of study, prior to graduation (instructor consent required).
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LEX-3100A NALA Exam Prep Review Course
This course is designed to prepare students for voluntary certification sponsored by the National Association of Legal Assistants to demonstrate significant competence in paralegalism. Topics include communications, ethics, human relations, interviewing techniques, judgment and analytical analysis, legal research, legal terminology, general law and nine tested specialty areas of law. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate that they are prepared to take the NALA's Certified Legal Assistant Exam. Students must be eligible to take the NALA Certified Paralegal Exam.
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LEX-3100B NCCP Exam Prep Review
The course covers the following topic areas Administrative Law, Civil Litigation, Commercial Law, Criminal Law, Estate Planning and Administration, Ethics, Family Law, Legal Research, Legal System. This course covers the essential aspects of legal system and includes professional ethics (North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct and North Carolina State Bar Guidelines for Use of Paralegals in Rendering Legal Services), law fundamentals, terminology, roles and responsibilities, and law office operations. Students that successfully complete the course will be eligible to sit for the North Carolina Paralegal Certification (NCCP) Exam administered by the North Carolina State Bar. Students must be eligible to take the NCCP Exam.
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LEX-3874A Notary Public
This course is designed to provide instruction to individuals who want to become commissioned as a Notary Public. Topics include legal, ethical and procedural requirements of the Notary Act. Upon completion of this course with a passing exam grade of 80%, a person is eligible to make an application with the NC Secretary of State office. Students are required to have a current and valid government issued photo ID to take the class; proof is required at the first class meeting. The NC Secretary of State requires that students attend the full 8 hours of class, and be able to speak, read, and write in English. Students that do not pass the licensure exam must register and pay for another full class. Textbooks are included in the tuition. For more information go to the North Carolina Secretary of State website (search: become a notary).
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MAC-121 Introduction to CNC
This course introduces the concepts and capabilities of computer numerical control machine tools. Topics include setup, operation, and basic applications. Upon completion, students should be able to explain operator safety, machine protection, data input, program preparation, and program storage.
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MAC-122 CNC Turning
This course introduces the programming, setup, and operation of CNC turning centers. Topics include programming formats, control functions, program editing, part production, and inspection. Upon completion, students should be able to manufacture simple parts using CNC turning centers.
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MAC-124 CNC Milling
This course introduces the manual programming, setup, and operation of CNC machining centers. Topics include programming formats, control functions, program editing, part production, and inspection. Upon completion, students should be able to manufacture simple parts using CNC machining centers.
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MAC-131 Blueprint Reading-Machining I
This course covers the basic principles of blueprint reading and sketching. Topics include multi-view drawings; interpretation of conventional lines; and dimensions, notes, and thread notations. Upon completion, students should be able to interpret basic drawings, visualize parts, and make pictorial sketches.
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MAC-132 Blueprint Reading-Machining II
This course introduces more complex industrial blueprints. Emphasis is placed on auxiliary views, section views, violations of true project, special views, applications of GD & T, and interpretation of complex parts. Upon completion, students should be able to read and interpret complex industrial blueprints.
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MAC-141 Machining Applications I
This course provides an introduction to a variety of material-working processes that are common to the machining industry. Topics include safety, process-specific machining equipment, measurement devices, set-up and layout instruments, and common shop practices. Upon completion, students should be able to safely demonstrate basic machining operations, accurately measure components, and effectively use layout instruments.
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MAC-142 Machining Applications II
This course provides instruction in the wide variety of processes associated with machining. Topics include safety, equipment set-up, holding fixtures, tooling, cutting speeds and depths, metal properties, and proper finishes. Upon completion, students should be able to safely demonstrate advanced machining operations, accurately measure components, and produce accurate components with a proper finish.
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MAC-151 Machining Calculations
This course introduces basic calculations as they relate to machining occupations. Emphasis is placed on basic calculations and their applications in the machine shop. Upon completion, students should be able to perform basic shop calculations.