A group of business people look at a laptop.


Danielle McMillan
Program Specialist
Duke Street North
919-536-7200, ext. 4012

Successful Project Management (Continuing Education)

Short Term

The Project Management Professional (PMP) program, delivers practical skills to help you plan, execute and control projects. This course provides students with the training hours needed to meet the educational requirement for the Project Management Certification. The curriculum is designed to present the nine bodies of knowledge in preparation for the PMP examination, offered through the Project Management Institute (PMI). This educational requirement is just one of several requirements needed to be eligible for the certification.

Please visit  for additional certification requirements.

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK 7 (978-1628256642) and the Agile Practice Guide (978-1628251999), are the required textbooks.

If you have questions about the course, email Danielle McMillan.

MLS-3810C Successful Project Management

The Successful Project Management course is designed specifically for the practicing project manager and the future manager. Learn how to master the strict planning, tracking, monitoring, and control techniques needed to bring projects in on schedule and under budget. This course provides the training hours needed to meet the educational requirements for the Project Management Certification. It is highly recommended that students review the requirements at www.pmi.org before registering for this course.
Section Number Dates Location Building Room Time Format
This course has already started or is not being offered this term.

Suggested Paths

Long Term

(More than 12 months)

University Transfer