#ReadGreatThings2018: Books to Movies and/or Television

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
I don't know if you've heard, but 2018 is here and the library is launching a reading challenge! To help you discover books for the reading challenge categories, we will be highlighting books from our collection that fit into different categories (and also count towards that last one-- librarian recommendations). Get excited! This month we're covering books that will be turned into movies or television shows this year. [gallery type="rectangular" link="none" ids="3803,3804,3806,3807,2847,3808

Resources for evaluating news sources and avoiding fake news

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library has created an extensive online guide to help with evaluating and categorizing news sources. You'll find links to videos, infographics, articles, books, ebooks, handouts, games and activities, a research study from Stanford, and much more! http://durhamtech.libguides.com/infolit Feel free to link this guide to your Sakai course sites and share with students. We also have some new books in the library for further reading and discussion on this important topic: [caption id=

Ada Lovelace Day Celebrates Women in Science

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
The second Tuesday of October is Ada Lovelace Day and celebrates women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with the hope of inspiring future generations of young women to study and work in STEM fields. [caption id="attachment_3605" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Image from http://www.rejectedprincesses.com[/caption] Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer who created the first program for Charles Babbage's analytical engine. She is known as the first computer

Celebrating LGBT authors and experiences

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
[caption id="attachment_3391" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Image from ALA, American Library Association[/caption] This month the library has been celebrating the authors and writings that reflect the lives and experiences of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. We have a display of books on the lower level of the library that we will keep up through the end of July. Explore the library's guide to LGBTQ resources for books, ebooks, DVDs, streaming video, and recommended

Wondering About Wonder Woman?

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
Have you seen the new Wonder Woman movie? Have you heard about it? Are you curious about the super-heroine who is breaking box office records all over the place? We have the books for you! A riveting work of historical detection revealing that the origin of Wonder Woman, one of the world’s most iconic superheroes, hides within it a fascinating family story—and a crucial history of twentieth-century feminism. Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer Jill Lepore has uncovered an astonishing

World Oceans Day

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
Today, June 8th, is World Oceans Day, which encourages protection and conservation of the oceans. "World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future." For resources and information visit the World Oceans Day website coordinated by The Ocean Project and sponsored by many aquariums and organizations around the world. You can join their mailing list, participate in actions and events, and join their social media campaign. http://www.worldoceansday.org/ Have

Fascinating Medical Memoirs

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
The library has a display on the lower level of medical memoirs written from the perspective of patients, nurses, doctors, and health care workers. We also feature a few related DVDs as well. A few of these titles are at the Orange County campus. Just let us know if you want to have a title sent over to your campus. [gallery type="slideshow" ids="3215,3216,3217,3218,3219,3220,3221,3222,3223,3224,3225,3226,3227,3228,3229,3230,3231,3232,3233,3234,3235,3236,3237,3238,3239,3240" orderby="rand"]

Celebrate Women's History Month with Streaming Video from Films on Demand

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
Althea Gibson was a trailblazing African-American tennis player, who crossed the color line of international tennis in the 1950's. March is Women’s History Month and a great time to celebrate women in history. Explore the film above or those below and visit Films on Demand for more films and clips. Films or shorter film segments can be easily embedded into Sakai course sites. Explore the following videos to learn about fascinating and important women in history: Dolores Huerta is a labor leader

Read around the world

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
[caption id="attachment_2917" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Image from https://pixabay.com/en/colorful-color-brush-painted-1974699/[/caption] This month the library is featuring a display of international authors on the lower level. Check out these authors and titles to explore the world. Many of these works have been translated from their original languages. For more ideas, browse this Goodreads list of popular international authors for inspiration. Search the library's online catalog for

Distinguishing between factual and untrue news sources

Submitted by Â鶹¾«Æ·ÔÚÏß²¥·Å Library on
There were several untrue news stories circulating on social media during the recent U.S. presidential election. It's important to determine whether stories and news sources are reliable and accurate. Librarians at Northern Essex Community College Library in Massachusetts created and shared this useful resource guide: http://necc.mass.libguides.com/ fakenewsvsrealnews/ fakenews [caption id="attachment_2672" align="alignright" width="630"] Fake News Story Infographic, published by The Huffington