Althea Gibson was a trailblazing African-American tennis player, who crossed the color line of international tennis in the 1950's.
March is Women鈥檚 History Month and a great time to celebrate women in history. Explore the film above or those below and visit for more films and clips. Films or shorter film segments can be easily embedded into Sakai course sites. Explore the following videos to learn about fascinating and important women in history:
Dolores Huerta is a labor leader and civil rights activist who advocated for the rights and wages of American farm workers. View
Margaret Sanger devoted her life to legalizing birth control and making it universally available for women throughout the early 1900's. View
Gloria Steinem is a social activist, writer, editor, and champion of women's rights since the late 1960s.View
3-part series which tells the story of the most sweeping social revolution in American history, as women have asserted their rights to a full and fair share of political power, economic opportunity, and personal autonomy in the last 50 years. View."
Women First & Foremost is a 3-part series that highlights how generations of women have achieved their deserved place at the forefront of history.
Happy Women's History Month and International Women's Day!