This section contains policies and procedures relating to matters affecting not only students and employees, but the surrounding community and general public as well.

4.1Accreditation and ApprobationN/A
4.1.1Substantive Change2022-2023
4.2Bylaws of the Board of Trustees2022
4.3Inclement Weather 
4.4Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco 
4.4.1Drug and Alcohol – Employees 
4.4.2Drug and Alcohol – Students 
4.4.3Tobacco-Free Campus2022-2023
4.5Chosen Name 
4.5.1Communicable Disease Emergencies 
4.7Sexual Misconduct (for reports of Sexual Misconduct that reportedly occurred prior to August 14, 2020)2022-2023
4.7aSexual Misconduct (for reports of Sexual Misconduct that reportedly occurred on or after August 14, 2020)2022-2023
4.7bGrievance Procedure for Complaints of Sex Discrimination (for reports of Sex Discrimination that reportedly occurred on or after August 1, 2024)


4.7cGrievance Procedures for Sex-Based Harassment Complaints for Students and Employees (for reports of Sex-Based Harassment that reportedly occurred on or after August 1, 2024)


4.7.1Title VII Grievance Investigations2022-2023
4.8Weapons on College Property2022-2023
4.9Appropriate Use of Computing Resources2022-2023
4.9.1College Issued Cellular Phones/Teams Phones 
4.9.2Communications Using Element451 
4.10Electronic Signature2022-2023
4.12Social Media 
4.13.1Parking Citation Appeals2022-2023
4.14Safety and Security2022-2023
4.14.1Campus Police and Public Safety General Orders2022-2023
4.15Institutional Review Board (IRB)2024-2025
4.16Identity Theft and Fraud Prevention 
4.17Intellectual Property2022-2023
4.18Sound Fiscal and Management Practices 
4.19Summer Hours2022-2023