ELT-3018A Electric Line Technician I

Electric Line Technician I is the first course in a two-course program and will cover subjects such overhead power distribution, which will include Setting and Climbing poles, Installing Cross Arms, Hardware, Lines and Transformers, Electric theory, Field practice, Meter Installations, Safety Codes and application. Completion of all courses in the program will educate students in overhead and power distribution. The proficiencies acquired will prepare the students to install Overhead Electric Lines, Maintain and Repair Overhead Systems, Operate Tools and Equipment, Ensure Safety and Compliance, and work in Utility and Construction settings in the state of North Carolina and obtain an entry level position as an Apprentices Lineman, Groundman, Utility Pole Installer Assistant, Meter Reader Technician Trainee, and a Warehouse/Material Handler (Utility Sector). The prerequisite for this course is a high school/ college transcript, GED or its equivalent. Please email mcmilliand@durhamtech.edu for questions regarding the registration process.