COS-3201CA Cosmetology I

Cosmetology I is the first of four courses in the Cosmetology program and will cover subjects such as infection control, professional image, bacteriology, shampooing & conditioning, and hairstyling. Students will be introduced to the student salon clinic. Completion of all courses in the program will educate students in the theoretical and practical skills, the safety precautions and measures, and the proper infection control and disinfection procedures. The proficiencies acquired will prepare the student to achieve licensure in the state of North Carolina and obtain an entry-level position in cosmetology or in a related field. The prerequisite for this course is a high school/college transcript, GED or its equivalent. For more information, please email

Upcoming Class Offerings

Dates Location Building Room Time Format
5/12 - 7/31
5/12 - 7/31
5/12 - 7/31
5/12 - 7/31
M 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
T 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
W 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
TH 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM