ATC-215 Anesthesia Airway Equipment

This course covers the function and use of basic and advanced anesthesia airway equipment and the setup, trouble-shooting and assistance in placing endotracheal tubes. Emphasis is placed on equipment setup and processing of airway equipment including direct and indirect laryngoscopy, supraglottic airways, and fiberoptic endoscopes. Upon completion, students should be able to setup and assist with placing airways in a variety of situations and be able to assist the anesthesia care team in a case of a difficult airway.

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take All: ATC-110 and ATC-115, Must complete ATC-110 and ATC-115 with minimum grade C

Offered: Summer

Upcoming Class Offerings

Dates Location Building Room Time Format
5/27 - 7/21
5/27 - 7/21
5/27 - 7/21
T 4:00 PM - 6:40 PM
TH 4:00 PM - 6:40 PM