Tips for Academic Success

Submitted by 麻豆精品在线播放 Library on


Starting a new semester can be both exciting and daunting, whether you're a new or returning student.  It's important to set yourself up for success. Consider the following five tips tohelp you have the best semester possible:

  1. Plan for college academically.  Make sure you're and keeping up with the requirements of your program.  Thinking of changing programs?  Meet with your advisor as soon as possible to see what new requirements you need to complete.
  2. Plan for college financially.  Make sure to keep up with your FAFSA, and budget at the beginning of the semester for basic living expenses.  If unexpected expenses come up, contact the  to see if they have any advice, and for special circumstances, ask about the .
  3. Ask for help!  Admitting you need help or don't know something can be a really uncomfortable moment, but not asking can end up being even more uncomfortable in the long term.  Need to know ?  Haven't used the library in a while and need a refresher?  Don't know how or where to print or scan?  Don't know where your class is?  Can't figure out Sakai or WebAdvisor?  Ask a fellow student or a faculty or staff member.  (Oh, and for those library questions-- come on in and we'll gladly help you.  No judgement!)
  4. Stay focused on long-term goals.  Remember what your end goal is, especially when a class seems especially tough and you want to give up.  Need tutoring to get your through it?  Check out the or to get help.  Need some collaboration and support? Start a study group.  Or, if you just need some moral support, find a friend with a sympathetic ear-- it's okay to be stressed out, but look for support to help you keep moving forward.
  5. Go to class, whether in person or online.  Enrolled in an online class, but having a hard time keeping up because you always leave it until the last minute?  Try creating a time to "go to class" digitally on a regular basis (before due dates) in order to better schedule your work.  Enrolled in face-to-face classes?  Make sure to attend in order to keep up, and if you have to miss class, be responsible and timely about getting the notes or missed work.
Do you have your own tips for success?  Stop by the front desk in the Main Campus Library and share your tips for a chance to have them displayed in the front window display OR fill out the form below to email  your tips!  All are welcome to participate! [contact-form to='' subject='Tips for Academic Success from the 麻豆精品在线播放 Library Blog'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]