Heads Up! All Continuing Education courses starting between July 1, 2025, and June 30, 2026, will open for registration on July 1, 2025. These courses will be available to view on the website starting March 21, 2025.
Open Educational Resources in North Carolina Higher Education
North Carolina, like many states, is moving towards making Open Educational Resources a valid alternative to traditional publisher-controlled teaching resources.

Today’s blog post will acquaint you with some of the things NC has been doing with OER and hopefully get you thinking about how you might use them to customize your course content (and make life simpler for students!).
Check it out!
Let me insert a shameless plug for – a place for collaboration, learning, and sharing through Microsoft Teams! Come help build our community and have access to the Best Minds on Campus for all things OER.

 is a library of open educational resources that promotes exploration, creation, and collaboration with the goal of enriching teaching and learning in North Carolina and around the world. Their collections include college courses, open textbooks, interactive simulations, and adaptations of existing open work. There are opportunities for communication and collaboration available!

(OENC) is an NC LIVE initiative that aims to reduce the cost of higher education for North Carolina students by providing   for the most frequently taught courses across NC’s 2- and 4-year colleges and universities.
OENC partners with the UNC System, NC Independent Colleges & Universities, and NC Community Colleges to offer open education  across the state and to provide  to faculty and instructors who choose to adopt an open textbook.
Some links to NC university OER resources:

For K-12, is the North Carolina, K-12, open education resources initiative. GoOpenNC is also the name of  where NC educators can search for, curate, and create openly-licensed, educational resources that are aligned to NC standards. GoOpenNC is an initiative by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
°Õ³ó±ð  provides information and resources related to the NC OER initiative and the .  Please visit the site to learn more about OER content, GoOpenNC and joining the community!