New Semester, New Goals (and pet pictures!)

Submitted by 麻豆精品在线播放 Library on


After a year of working from home, we're (mostly) back on campus and ready for a great Fall 2021 semester. 

We all have goals for the new semester, but our work-from-home coworkers/roommates are excited to be setting new benchmarks for their  success.

Click through to read their goals cleverly used to promote some Library services (and see Library staff pet pictures-- I'm not trying to bury the lede too much here). 

brown tabby with green eyes peeking Royalty-free peeking photos free download | Pxfuel
Charlie, a black and white cat, snuggles George, a smaller orange tabby cat who is curled up like a shrimp

Charlie and George Lewis are excited that their roommate, Orange County Campus Librarian Meredith Lewis, won't be in midday virtual meetings that interrupt their rigorous daytime nap schedule because the Orange County Campus Library is now open five days a week, with a librarian available Monday through Thursday. (You can see all our current library hours on the Library homepage, including current hours for the Main Campus and Northern Durham Center libraries.) 

Jake, a lovely medium-haired gray and white kitty with green eyes ringed in gold and a pink nose (with a little dot)

Jake Weaver would like to learn more about sustainable fishing to responsibly source his favorite tuna meals, so he hopes his roommate Main Campus Reference Librarian Susan Baker will help him  on this research topic or something from the , which collects books that promote cultural awareness, tolerance, diversity, environmental conservation, sustainability, and peace.

Jix, a fluffy

Jix Brooks, Reference Librarian Stephen Brooks' roommate, is researching retirement, so he's taking advantage of the many types of books available through the 麻豆精品在线播放 Library -- and . He might even brush up on his financial literacy by listening to .

Sumo, a gray tabby with a very cute round head, sits in a box fort

Sumo Humphrey wants to redecorate his box fort, so he'd like his roommate Library Director Julie Humphrey to bring home some inspiration from our study rooms-- both the and . He'd like a white board to write out his biggest plans (available in the group study rooms). 

Kira, a brindle doggy, looks despondent with a headset mic around her head

Kira Isaacs, Reference Librarian Courtney Bippley's roommate, is thinking of starting a podcast about snacks, so she'd like to borrow some of the , which include . Heck, she might even start vlogging with one of . She'd look great in the flattering glow of . 

Zak, a fluffy black and brown doggy, holds a toy doughnut in his mouth

Zak Isaacs, Courtney and Kira's other roommate, wants to indulge in some sweets (even if they may be full of fluff instead of bread-y goodness). He'd like to remind you that while you're welcome to bring food (small food/snacks) and drinks (with lids) into the Main Campus Library, you can only remove your mask when actively eating or drinking and need to put it right back on. He also would like to remind you that only drinks (with lids) are allowed in both the Northern Durham Center and Orange County Campus Libraries-- snacks in the lobby or outside, please. 

Have additional questions? Keep reading the Library blog and subscribe to our social media: Facebook, Instagram, and our podcast--Out Loud in the Library (available on all podcast apps). 

Have a great Fall 2021!