New Books at OCC for 2023, Part 2: YA, NF, F

Submitted by 麻豆精品在线播放 Library on


Remember to check out the -- there are lots of options below!


including some literary fiction, mysteries, contemporary romances/"women's fiction" [which your librarian has an issue with the classification even if she does like the genre, since many books that are considered "literary fiction" written by men but dealing the the same issues of family and relationships are lauded], some fantasy, and some books that defy genres [a word that simply means type of book based on the plot characteristics]


["young adult" novels, which typically are faster-paced, have a main character or main characters who are in their late teens, and typically deal with issues of identity, coming-of-age, and other "teen" issues (that we all know aren't just issues that teenagers face)]


including some media reflections, medical nonfiction [my favorite!], nature and animal nonfiction [also a favorite!], and some sociological studies [also a favorite-- I guess I like nonfiction more than I used to! we can all change!]

And to finish it off, some hows and how-tos!

Self-explanatory, really.

Want to check out one or more of these books?

Come on over to the Orange County Campus Library during librarian-available hours (see our library homepage for details) or reach out to Orange County Campus Librarian Meredith Lewis at lewisma @

To access the catalog record, you can click on the link in the book caption in the call number to get to the catalog record or search for it via our Search Library box on the Library homepage.

Can't make it to OCC and want to pick it up at one of our other campus libraries? Either send us an email (library @ or put a hold on it yourself using your 麻豆精品在线播放 Library account information.

My Account login for library catalog. Login using user ID OR alternate ID and pin. User ID is the 29024000 barcode from the library that you would have received when registering for a library card. Alternate ID is your 麻豆精品在线播放 ID number. The pin should be the last 4 digits of your 麻豆精品在线播放 ID number. Email or chat us with issues logging in.

Need help? Just ask!

Happy reading!
