The library has lots of inspiring biographies of African Americans. Check out our display on the lower level to learn some of these stories:
African American Entrepreneurs
African American Women Scientists and Inventors
American Tapestry : The story of the black, white, and multiracial ancestors of Michelle Obama
The Autobiography of Medgar Evers
Hand in Hand: Ten Black men who changed America
Ida: A sword among lions, Ida B. Wells and the campaign against lynching
The Life of Sojourner Truth: "Ain't I a woman?" (DVD and book)
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks
You can also explore the for additional resources.
The Debate Team and Vive/Viva the Arts are showing six screenings of the documentary film
American Promise about America's struggle with issues of race, class, and opportunity. If you can't make it to a screening on campus, the film is for streaming for free until March 6th. The library will also have copies available for checkout after the screenings as well.
The library also has resources related to education and the achievement gap on display this month:
The Black-White Achievement Gap : Why closing it is the greatest civil rights issue of our time
Changing School Culture for Black Males
Reducing the Black Male Dropout Rate
Unfinished Business : Closing the racial achievement gap in our schools
Young, Gifted, and Black : Promoting high achievement among African-American students